The Beatus Cras traveled far and wide in July! Our first stop was Microcon 2023, hosted by the wonderful Royal Republic of Ladonia.
Day One – Thursday
Arriving early Thursday, the Beatus Cras took time off from micronational affairs to visit nearby Chicago. Our delegation visited first Bachelors Grove Cemetery and then the infamous Bean, trying out some Chicago deep-dish pizza before returning to Joliet to prepare for the next day.

Day Two- Friday
Though it was hot and muggy on Friday, the second year of the Nemean games still gathered a large showing of nations excited to show off their skills. Lord Campbell participated in the shot put, discus throw, and the 50 meter dash, taking a third-place ribbon in the latter.
Afterwards, the Lord and Lady Neff traveled back to Chicago to view Lake Michigan and pick up a few more classic snacks. Armed with Garrett’s popcorn and a chicago-dog, we strolled along the beach and made friends with several local seagulls. Before long we were back in Joliet for the diplomatic reception, where we were able to meet many new faces such as the Pearson Republic and the Republic of Dostykstan, and say hello to slightly less-new ones as well!

Day Three – Saturday
The conference begins! We set up our display and got to schmoozing. The goodies presented by the Beatus Cras this year were all handmade: traditional hair dangles, and wooden discs commemorating the 2023 Microcon. Our delegation was enthralled by the presentations, and Queen Carolyn’s addition of the younger micronationalists’ talks were wonderful- it was good to see them shine. In between presentations, our delegation walked the display hallways, admiring the other nations’ displays and the effort used to create them. King George of Slabovia introduced the CHICAGO Agreement, which we of course signed. The incentive of a commemorative coin had absolutely nothing to do with it, as you would suspect.
What would a Microcon be without a Gala? A lot easier to pack for! The evening of day three was spent watching micronationalists from around the world attempt to dance, getting pictures with everyone, and saying farewell to our new acquaintances. As we had an early flight, we did not plan for a day four for this Microcon, making Saturday the end of our delegation’s presence this year.

From Microcon to Montana: the Lord and Lady Neff left the world of Micronationals and cell service to attend the Yellowstone Bible Camp for the next 7 days. While we were warned of the climate differences in advance, most days involved an abundance of shivering. Finally, the cool weather we thought traveling north would bring! Beatus Cras displayed our flag over a waterfall and showed off our newly obtained memorabilia. Lord Campbell enjoyed music by the river, “excelled” at left-footed kickball, and performed in the talent show with his sister. Lady Elizabeth did an excellent job of supervising and sight-seeing.

We were able to take a day during the week to drive into Yellowstone National Park, seeing wolves, elk, bison, and bears, oh my! Our main objective was the mud pots, especially the Artist Paint Pots. We are happy to report that Old Faithful was still faithful, as it has been since 1870 when it was designated as such. Our group was not disappointed!

At last, we returned to our little nation, completely exhausted and ready to dive into our next national project. That is, after we get some sleep.