New Year 2025

Happy New Year from all of us at the BC! This past year has been a busy one, and our nation has grown in both population and economy. While we are not actively recruiting, our two newest citizens made a compelling case and were welcomed with much excitement. The BC Read more…

Fall in the BC

The first day of fall for most countries is on September 22nd this year. The first day of fall in the Beatus Cras was declared on August 1st. While the BC usually follows the astronomical calendar for our changing of seasons, special circumstances required an adjustment this year. Namely, we Read more…

March Update

March is national craft month in the United States! According to the National Day Calendar, National Craft Month is meant to inspire crafters to work on their projects, as well as get more people into crafting by showcasing the benefits of making things yourself and learning new skills. As such, Read more…

Holiday Greetings

The Beatus Cras wishes you a happy December, and offers a reminder: take care of yourself this holiday season. Take a step back from the corporate idea that buying the right things is the key to happiness. Spend time with those you care about, make memories that will last longer Read more…

Challenges: September & October

Have you read the Beatus Cras constitution? If you do, you will notice that we have “no standing armies, only militias when under imminent threat.” However, the nation is permitted to “maintain other types of defense mechanisms to ensure the safety of its territory and citizens, and also for fun.” Read more…

Microcon 2023 and Montana

The Beatus Cras traveled far and wide in July! Our first stop was Microcon 2023, hosted by the wonderful Royal Republic of Ladonia. Day One – Thursday Arriving early Thursday, the Beatus Cras took time off from micronational affairs to visit nearby Chicago. Our delegation visited first Bachelors Grove Cemetery Read more…

Challenges: May & June

Reducing plastic waste is the theme of May and June. With up to 80% of plastic waste ending up in landfills or the ocean, reducing the amount of plastic waste we produce is a good way to lower our individual contributions to that number. Over the next two months, check Read more…

March & April Wrap-Up

During March and April, the BC worked on creating healthy habits surrounding food. We swapped our snacks for healthier options, planned ahead when shopping, and focused on creating lasting change by establishing habits we can continue past the end of the challenge. Did you work on your food habits? Let Read more…

Challenges: January & February

The challenges for January and February are about watching our water waste! As it is winter for many of us, we are using water in different ways than we do in summer months. In summer, we may water plants and lawns, while in winter we may drip faucets to prevent Read more…