November & December Wrap-Up

The challenges for November and December were about preparing for winter. Winter in the Beatus Cras has only just begun, but we did get a bit of a cold snap in December. We practiced our winter plan and stored drinkable water, covered outdoor faucets, and tested our non-electric heating methods. Read more…

Challenges: November & December

The challenges for November and December are all about preparing for winter. Since we don’t get to hibernate, we need to prepare for cold weather and possible emergencies associated with that weather. Last year, the Beatus Cras had to prepare for rolling blackouts, icy roads, and freezing pipes. Starting winter Read more…

September & October Wrap-Up

During the months of September and October, we challenged ourselves to learn more about the parks and greenspaces around us. We are fortunate to have many well-used parks in our local area that are upkept by the local government surrounding the Beatus Cras. We even found Facebook groups focused on Read more…

MicroCon 2022

On the first weekend of August, the Beatus Cras sent a delegation consisting of Lord Campbell and Lady Elizabeth to the 2022 Microcon, held in Las Vegas. There were delegates from 30 micronations in attendance and we had a wonderful time building relationships and learning about their nations and projects. Read more…

Challenges: September & October

As fall creeps closer and the weather in our small nation begins to cool, the Beatus Cras is challenging you to look at another free resource found in many local communities: parks. Parks and green spaces are found in most urban areas. While most of these green spaces are maintained Read more…

July & August Wrap-Up

July and August were themed around the resources that libraries provide to their local communities. We at the BC are lucky to have several libraries within a few miles of our borders, over in the United States. These libraries offer important resources to the local community, such as free classes Read more…

Challenges: July and August

The challenges for July and August are all about the local resource most people forget- libraries! Libraries offer a wide range of resources, as well as trained librarians to help you find out more about every subject! This month, try and use your local library, and help others take advantage Read more…

May & June Wrap-Up

Heat protection was the focus of May and June. Here at the BC, we learned about heat exhaustion versus heat stroke, and how to keep cool when the temperatures are in the triple digits! We researched how to reduce water runoff, and made a system to get our outdoor plants Read more…

Challenges: May & June

With the onset of summer, your council has deemed the topic of heat protection of the utmost importance for the months of May and June. With summer comes hotter temperatures, and we all need to know how to protect ourselves and others from extreme heat. Check out the challenges below Read more…

March & April Wrap Up

The theme for March and April was helping others with food. We here at the BC researched food insecurity in our local community, and found several nonprofit organizations focused on reducing hunger and helping those who are food insecure. We also learned about programs sponsored by the local government to Read more…