October Wrap Up

The theme for October was reducing plastic waste. We here at the BC used the month to find ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle our plastic waste! We carried reusable bags to the store to reduce the amount of plastic we took home, and reused the plastic bags we already Read more…

September Wrap Up

This September, the BC conserved food and did their part to reduce food waste! We focused on using the foods we already had to create meals, instead of buying more food. We also worked on not buying excess food that we did not need. Did you conserve food this month? Read more…

Challenges: September

For September, the BC is focusing on conservation of food! There is a lot of food uncertainty right now, with the effects of the covid pandemic on supply chains, as well as natural disasters in our neighboring country reducing the amount of food that can be harvested. So this month, Read more…

March Update

With all the changes around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the BC has decided to postpone challenges until further notice. We are staying inside, social distancing, and keeping in touch digitally with everyone! Our challenges right now are just to try and stay away from others as best Read more…

February Wrap Up

This month, the Beatus Cras cleaned up nature areas. We gathered some friends and collected trash and recycling at a local nature preserve- 9 bags full! In total, we gathered 562 pieces of recycling and 5 bags of trash from a few sites in our nature preserve. Many times litter Read more…

Challenges: February

This February, the Beatus Cras is cleaning up parks! Parks are a free resource that many communities have, and most are maintained to some extent. However, we’ve noticed many of the parks and nature areas around our micronation could use some work. So this month, our challenge is to preserve Read more…

January Wrap Up

For January, we focused on using our local libraries and sharing their resources with others. We visited our local libraries and learned about the programs they offered- there was a lot! Even regular library-goers often miss the full extent of the services libraries have available. We aimed to make use Read more…

Challenges: January

January’s Challenges are all about one local resource most people forget- libraries! Libraries offer a wide range of resources, as well as trained librarians to help you find out more about every subject. This month, try and use your local library, and help others take advantage of this resource as Read more…

New Year!

Welcome to 2020! We here at the BC have had a busy 2019- our membership has increased by 66%, our constitution has gone through revisions, and we’ve (mostly) kept up with posting on here! Going into the new year, we have several goals for our nation. We plan to upload Read more…