Getting out in nature is the theme that our challenges will follow in September & October! These months are focused on enjoying and appreciating the outdoors. Being outside and experiencing the beauty of nature is good for your own health, and can encourage you to take an interest in the planet’s health as well! Try some of the challenges below 

  • Get outside!
    • Move common activities outside, like eating or studying 
    • Open your windows and doors, if it is safe to do so
    • Suggest outdoor meeting spaces for gatherings, or try sitting on the patio at restaurants
  • Find outdoor interests
    • Research hobbies focused around nature and try some!
    • Look into local groups that meet for nature walks or other outdoor fun
    • Search out what makes your local outdoor spaces unique, and take advantage of them 
  • Invite your friends to enjoy nature with you
    • Try organizing a hike with your friend group
    • Make your own nature-focused group for people to join
    • Suggest activities rather than entertainment for hanging out, i.e. playing frisbee instead of seeing a movie


Site owner and founder of the BC

1 Comment

CamptheChamp · September 2, 2021 at 9:44 pm

I can’t wait to enjoy the beauty of nature with you and our friends and families! 🙂

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